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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Busy Year...

Whew!  The past year has been super busy both on a professional and personal level.  While the personal stuff has settled (we moved and built a new house), professionally it looks like another busy year.  We have implemented the Common Core in New York State, so my partner and I have been working together to integrate our curricula based on the ELA modules.  I thought this would be a challenge, but quickly realized that many of the learning goals in ELA were almost identical to the Common Core Social Studies learning goals.  It was a great relief to say the least!  We also worked to develop Marzano scales to assess if students had mastered the learning goals.  It was daunting, but I think we have a good set of scales to begin with.  Our district has also implemented two new software programs, iObservation and eDoctrina, so we've been working hard to learn how to use these.  We have had summer training as well as training during the school year to help us.  With all of that going on I decided to update my unit plans for both 7th and 8th grades to better reflect the Common Core and align with ELA.  I'm not done, but I think I've got a good start.  Our district also hired a new Global Studies teacher who I will be mentoring.  I'm excited because I always learn something new from the new teachers I mentor.  So I guess I won't be slowing down any time soon, but that's what makes life interesting...

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